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The New Jersey Golf Hall of Fame


The Nomination Process

Anyone may nominate a person (living or deceased) for admission to the New Jersey Golf Hall of Fame. The Nominating Committee shall recommend annually, by a simple majority vote, to the Hall of Fame Committee a slate of nominees for consideration to the NJ Golf Hall of Fame. 

A nominee shall be inducted into the NJ Golf Hall of Fame upon a vote of 80% of the Hall of Fame Committee certifying that the nominee has BOTH:

  1. Made an extraordinary and remarkable contribution to, or impact on, the game of golf in the State of New Jersey as a player (amateur or professional), club professional, superintendent, architect, golf industry participant or other person involved in the game of golf in the State of New Jersey; AND
  2. A strong connection to the State of New Jersey by virtue of being:
    a.    A New Jersey resident for at least 10 years at any time; or
    b.    A New Jersey resident during the period of accomplishment; or
    c.    A member or employee of a New Jersey golf club or facility during the individual’s period of accomplishment and holding him/herself out as representing such New Jersey club or facility during such period of accomplishment; or
    d.  In the judgment of the Hall of Fame Committee, in possession of unique and substantial connections to the State of New Jersey, without regard to residency.

Nominating Committee

  • Accumulates and vets nomination forms considering all relevant data.
  • Adds pertinent information to nomination form.
  • Prepares a slate of credible nominations to Hall of Fame Committee.

Hall of Fame Committee

  • The committee reviews the candidates submitted by the Nominating Committee and votes to induct the individuals.
  • Nominations not selected for Hall of Fame remain nominations for 3 years.

Timeline of Nomination Process

  • June 1 - Nominations Open
  • December 1 - Nominations Close
  • December 1 thru January 15 - Vetting of submissions by Nominating Committee
  • January 15 - Proposal of nominees to Hall of Fame Committee
  • February 1 – Announcement of Class
  • May - Induction Ceremony
Nomination Form
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