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Handicap Resources & GHIN Support

NJ Golf provides the world-renowned GHIN (Golf Handicap Information Network) service to member clubs and golfers for the purposes of calculating Handicap Indexes, posting scores, and tracking statistics. Each NJ Golf member has a unique GHIN number.

One of the key benefits of NJ Golf Membership, a GHIN number enables golfers to enjoy competitive opportunities, whether it's to verify your entry into a local, state, or national championship, a club's member-guest event, an outing or for a casual match among friends.

Your GHIN Number (a.k.a. Handicap ID) is provided to you either through a private golf club, public golf course, or the NJ Golf E-Club. For most New Jersey residents, the GHIN number is provided by NJ Golf.

A golfer's Handicap Index is calculated in accordance with the World Handicap System. To learn more about the World Handicap System, click here.

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