Join NJ Golf or Renew Your Membership!
It's never been a better time to be part of NJ Golf! Membership enables golfers to take their enjoyment of golf to the next level. There truly is something for everyone; benefits of membership include:
- Golfers of all ages and abilities are invited to participate in NJ Golf events, including Member Golf Days, Championships, networking and educational programs.
- Golfers can renew or register for an official GHIN Handicap which allows for the posting of scores and tracking of statistics.
- Golfers receive "E-Links", the official e-newsletter of NJ Golf twice each month as well as New Jersey Golf Magazine four time each year.
- Golfers are eligible for special NJ Golf member opportunities and discounts through our various travel, equipment and other promotions.
- There's more! For a full listing of member benefits, click here.
The cost to join NJ Golf (through the "NJ Golf E-Club") and take advantage of these great opportunities - and more - is $55.00 for one year.
A golfer who is a member of a private member club or a golfer who holds an active GHIN number through a public member course is considered a member of NJ Golf - there is no need to join NJ Golf separately.