Calling All Volunteers

Are you interested in volunteering your time as a New Jersey State Golf Association Tournament Official? The NJSGA is currently seeking volunteer tournament officials to assist with our annual schedule of twenty-one state Championships. This offers an outstanding opportunity to get involved in golf and give back to this great game. Extensive knowledge of the Rules of Golf is not required. A basic application and review process is necessary to get involved, and these are some basic requirements:
- Official must be willing to work in a team-oriented atmosphere.
- Official must be a member of a New Jersey State Golf Association member club or course (public or private).
- Official must be available to serve 4-5 dates during the season (April- October). All tournaments are held on weekdays.
- Official must have means of own transportation.
The NJSGA will provide:
- Basic training at an early season Tournament Committee seminar, which will include an introduction to the Rules of Golf. New Officials are paired with experienced Officials at their first few tournaments for further training.
- The NJSGA Tournament Committee outfit: hat, dress shirt, golf shirt, pocket badge and name tag.
- A copy of the USGA’s Rules of Golf, plus the Committee Handbook.
Interested? Fill out the application by clicking on the link below. Need more information? Please contact the NJSGA Tournament Department at (973) 338-8334 or email us at
Click here for application - .pdf document