Mickie Gallagher III
- 2019

Mickie Gallagher III, the Head PGA Professional and Director of Golf at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster since 2006, was the recipient of the 2019 New Jersey PGA Section / New Jersey State Golf Association Distinguished Service Award.
In addition to his full-time employment, Gallagher has devoted his time and passion for the game to the New Jersey Section and New Jersey Golf Foundation Board of Directors.
“I am extremely humbled and honored by being named this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Service Award. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to serve our beloved game of golf over the past 29 years in the myriad of capacities for which I have,” Gallagher stated. “Golf is a game that will always give more to us than we can ever give back to it.
“I’ve always felt strongly that it’s incumbent upon us to serve our great game however we can and through those endeavors I’ve also been humbled to have served alongside countless wonderful people who love and support the game of golf here in New Jersey,” he added.
For the New Jersey Section, PGA of America, Gallagher served as president from 2005-2006, vice president from 2003-2004 and secretary from 2001-2002. Prior to his position as an officer, he served on the Board of Directors and acted as chairman of numerous Committees including, but not limited to, the Tournament Committee and the Nominating and By Laws Committee.
Gallagher has also been recognized by his peers with multiple New Jersey Section Special Awards, including their highest honor – the Golf Professional of the Year in 2010. This award recognizes a PGA Professional for leadership, performance and promotion of the game of golf.
Said Trump National G.C. men’s club champion Ed Walsh: “Mickie is the best Director of Golf any club could have. The day-to-day operation at Trump National is very unique, and not something most can handle. Mickie is the exception, and that’s what makes him great!”
He was also the recipient of the Bill Strausbaugh Award in 2003 and 2004 for the positive impact he has had on his profession and the Horton Smith Award in 1999 for his impact on the education of his fellow PGA Members.
Gregg Angelillo, a longtime friend of Gallagher, for whom he worked as an assistant professional, and sat alongside on the Board of Directors of the NJ Golf Foundation, stated:
“Mickie has always impressed me as a person. He comes from a family of golf professionals and has continued the Gallagher tradition exceptionally well. He had a long-term vision of success to stay in the business. Earlier on I could tell that his demeanor and personality was a perfect fit for a top-tier club like Trump National – Bedminster. But what also impressed me the most were his philanthropic interests. He learned that giving back to this great game would reward him in the future,” Angelillo said.
Following his time on the Board of the New Jersey Section, Gallagher served on the Board of Directors for the Section’s charitable arm, the NJ Golf Foundation. He was elected in 2007 and sat on the Board of Directors where he supported the NJ Golf Foundation’s mission to improve lives and communities through the game of golf.
“Our time spent together on the New Jersey Golf Foundation board has been a positive in so many ways. Mickie’s actions speak louder than his words. His involvement in the planning and execution of the Fiddler’s Elbow home site for the New Jersey Section of the PGA were so important to the success of the project. I’m not sure we would be where we are today without his participation,” Angelillo added.
Gallagher, a promoter of the game, assisted many local and national associations in his time at Trump National Golf Club. He hosted local championships for both the NJPGA and NJSGA, including the 2019 NJSGA Open Championship, as well as local fundraising events and the annual Celebration of Golf Dinner in 2013 and 2014.
Russ Helwig hired him for an assistant professional position at Essex Fells Country Club in 1991.
"A great listener, Mickie is willing to work until the job is complete and then asking what else needs to be done. Mickie always wants to grow the game and volunteers his own time to this end. Always seeing the big picture on making golf a better game, Mickie works best out of the spotlight and behind the scenes," Helwig noted. "His reward is seeing the game grow. Mickie has made golf a better game in New Jersey."
On the National level, he was instrumental with both the USGA and PGA of America regarding the site selection process of Trump National G.C. as the host site for the 2017 U.S. Women’s Open and the upcoming PGA Championship in 2022. These events generate an enormous economic impact on the State of New Jersey and leave a lasting legacy