Member Golf Day (MGD) - Cherry Valley - (2-Person) Team NET Stableford

Cherry Valley C.C. — Skillman

  • Date
    May 19, 2025

Format: Two Person Teams
Each team members plays her/his own ball. Both balls count. The team total net stableford score is the team score.

Registration Open: March 3

Fee: $330 per team or $165 per player 
(Members can register as a team or individually. Individuals that register will be paired with other NJ Golf members.)
Includes: Golf, cart, winning prizes, lunch and food after golf.

Start Time: 12:30pm Shotgun

Withdrawal & Refund Policy: A player or team must notify NJ Golf in advance of an event if he/she must withdraw by calling the NJ Golf office at (908) 241-4653 or sending an email to A refund will only be issued in the case of withdrawal due to illness or injury prior to an event and when accompanied by a physician's note. A mandatory $25.00 service fee will apply for withdrawals in individual events; a mandatory $50.00 service fee will apply for withdrawals in two-players events (where both players on a team withdraw) and $100.00 service fee in four-player events (where all four players on a team withdraw). Substitutions in team events are permitted (subject to eligibility requirements) and must be arranged through NJ Golf in advance of an event. Refunds will NOT be issued for "no-shows" or inclement weather (except when an event is canceled or postponed).

Entrant's Agreement:
By a player’s attempt to enter this event, he/she agrees that he/she has read, understands, and agrees to all conditions and stipulations set forth as indicated herein. A player understands that the final decision regarding acceptance of entries is at the discretion of NJ Golf and that NJ Golf reserves the right to reject or withdraw an entry at any time, before or during a competition, and to modify the championship program for any reason if deemed advisable. A player has subjected him/herself to the authority of NJ Golf, whose decision on any/all points shall be final. USGA Rules of Golf shall govern play at all times and will be augmented by local rules in effect during a competition.

** Please be sure to carefully read all instructions, terms, and conditions prior to submitting your entry.

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